Anemes Hotel – Kythera – Greece

Pool of Avlemonas


In the east of Kythera, lies along the coast line Avlemonas, the most beautiful seaside, with picturesque little gulfs, village of Kythera and also one of the most beautiful fishing villages of the Mediterranean Sea. Here, you can find little taverns with delicious food, fresh lobsters and fish, café-bars with[…]



In the south part of the island with Aegean colours’, the Cycladic architecture and its magnificent Castle, it will enchant you. The Archaeological Museum which re-opened its gates for the public this year, is an ornament for our island. Of course, you must visit Kapsali, the seaport of Chora. A trip[…]



In the centre of the island and towards the west side, you will spend a day to visit Mylopotamos. Mylopotamos is a picturesque mountainous village with refreshing plan trees in its central square. Here, you will visit the waterfalls of Neraida (Fairy) and if you are brave enough you will[…]



Karavas is situated in the north of the island. You will enchanted by the greenery of Amir-Ali sources and you will admire the village which is spread on the surrounding hills. You will swim in Platia Ammos, a fishing village near Karavas. If you fell more adventurous, you can reach[…]



One of the biggest villages of the island known also by the name The Village of the Lady. Every Sunday here there is a bazaar at the square with local products.and it is also a meeting point for the Kytherians.



Setting out from Avlemonas, which is in the centre and east of the island, going towards the north side, you will visit Palaiochora, a ruined Byzantine castle city which was called St. Demetrios, and was ruined in 1537 by Hairendin Barbarossa. If you walk inside the castle, you will see[…]


Kythera TOP 10

Dive, at noon, in the clear and peaceful blue waters of the Chytra Cave. Visit the Neraida (Fairy) Waterfalls and the cave of St Sophia at Mylopotamos. Is it Sunday? You must have coffee ot Potamos and buy coarse salt, honey, fruit and oil rusks. Walk around the narrow streets[…]

Avlemonas seaport

TOP 10 in Avlemonas

Have a night swim with full moon in the “swimming pool” of the village. Climb up St George through the path to admire the endless view (hat, water but not at noon). Walk around the little stone paths from Castelo down to the Down little port and the Lighthouse, holding[…]